Oklahoma Works - Oklahoma Employment Security Commission
2421 Autumn Run, Suite B
Ardmore, OK 73401
Offers a wide variety of services for job seekers and employers. Employer services include job fairs, meeting space, customized recruitment, resume searches, customized labor market information, unemployment insurance, WIA/TAA, and WOTC. Job seeker services include job postings, worker profiling and re-employment services, federal bonding services, veterans’ services, migrant and seasonal farm workers job listings, resource room with a classroom, copier, fax, phones, and computer with Internet access, referrals for training, and resume services.
Work Ready Oklahoma
(580) 850-1890
1420 Veterans Boulevard
Ardmore, OK 73401
Provides essential workforce development resources locally and participants attend comprehensive workshops tailored for various populations. Workshops and specialized resources strengthen families by helping low-income individuals gain livable wages through stable quality employment opportunities. Workshops begin September 2024.